Saturday, June 15, 2013

Final Discussion-Reflection-Reva Arthur

     I have really learned a lot through this course. I never really understood the power of blogging through coursework, until now. So many of the posts by other students and my instructor has guided my learning and success through this course. I have gained many valuable insights in this course, such as how important it is to advocate and to have a cause. I have learned that there is a purpose and a passion to advocating. It is vital to be informed about your advocacy cause, thus the purpose of this course. I feel I'm better informed and equipped to advocate and even fund my advocacy cause of childhood obesity. Advocacy is all about making a difference. My passion as a teacher has always been to make a difference in the lives of the students and families I serve. I feel strongly, that one primary way to advocate and reach students and families is to care about all that concerns them, even their helath. I really enjoyed this course and feel empowered by the many resources I now have to continue my advocacy cause.